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Buttermilk Biscuit Gift Pack


8 frozen buttermilk biscuits ready to bake at home! Comes with a jar of our honey butter.  Bake right away or keep in the freezer for later. 

We are sorry, at this time we cannot personalize the gift packs.

2 -day insulated shipping. SHIPPING MON-THURS.

*Contains dairy, egg, wheat.  

BISCUIT COOKING INSTRUCTIONS: Keep your biscuits frozen until you are ready to cook them. Place your oven rack in the middle and preheat your oven at 400 for 15 minutes. Put the biscuits on a sheet pan spaced 2" apart (you can put a sheet of parchment down if you have it, but the biscuits are buttery and won't stick much to a bare sheet pan). Cook at 400 for 15 minutes, then turn your oven down to 350 and cook an additional 20 minutes. Oven temps can differ, so at that point, peek inside a biscuit to make sure it's done - you should see fluffy layers pulling apart.


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